Monday, July 9, 2012


Revised July 9, 2012 – Gilpin County is still under Stage II fire restrictions, however, due to the wet, cool weather conditions over the last few days, these restrictions have been modified as follows: 

There is no open burning allowed of any kind anywhere in Gilpin County. This includes campfires, bonfires, slash piles, charcoal grills, regardless of location. Only liquid gas or propane fueled cooking stoves will be allowed for outdoor use. Pellet stoves, wood stoves and fireplaces ONLY INSIDE a residence may be used.

Gilpin County has restricted outdoor shooting under this revised Stage II Fire Restriction.

Under a Stage II Fire Restrictions the following acts are prohibited:

 Open fires, except when using a petroleum fueled stove, grill, or lantern in an area that has been cleared of all vegetation three feet on all sides.

 Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building unless exemption has been granted.

 No using explosive material: (i.e.: fireworks, blasting caps or any incendiary device which may result in the ignition of flammable material).

 No welding or operating acetylene or other similar torch outdoors that produces an open flame capable of igniting flammable material.

 Using any internal or external combustion engine without a properly working spark arresting device meeting USDA Forest Service Standard 5100-1a as amended or Appropriate Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J335(b) and J350(a).

 No use of any vehicle off road.

 Operating a chainsaw without an approved spark arrestor, and without a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher (not less than 8 oz. by weight and one size 0 or larger) and a round-point shovel with an overall length of at least 36 inches readily available. Must not operate a chainsaw out of the hours of 5:00 am and 11:00 am.

 No discharging a firearm outdoors. Law enforcement is exempt.

These restrictions will remain in place until further notice; depending on weather additional restrictions may be implemented. Please visit Gilpin County’s website at for the latest information on the fire restrictions. You may also contact the Sheriff’s Office at (303) 582-1060 with any questions and clarifications.

Information about other state and county fire restrictions can be found on Colorado Division of Emergency Management website at