Thursday, June 20, 2013


To learn WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU MUST EVACUATE, visit our home page at EVACUATION LEVELS have been established and are supported by the Gilpin County Sheriff's Office and the Gilpin County Board of County Commissioners. They are as follows: LEVEL 1: A Level 1 Evacuation means be ready. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area. You should make preparations to be ready to leave, and then monitor local media outlets. Residents with special needs (such as the elderly or those with a susceptibility to breathing problems) are advised to evacuate. People with livestock or pets should consider moving them out of the area. Evacuations at this time are voluntary, but if you have concerns, evacuate now. LEVEL 2: A Level 2 Evacuation means leave soon. There is significant potential of danger in your area, and residents should relocate to a shelter or with family/friends outside the affected area. You need to leave as soon as possible. LEVEL 3: A Level 3 Evacuation means leave immediately. Danger in your area is current and imminent. There is no time to gather belongings. Leave immediately.